国际电子游戏正规平台合作 & 奖学金

The ability to engage in open collaboration and  academic pursuits including research and scholarship is the hallmark of academe. 电子游戏软件  works to protect these collaborations and resulting intellectual property through transparency and by supporting and educating the faculty.

联邦机构已经 要求电子游戏正规平台人员 to become more vigilant in their disclosures of international research collaborations, 从属关系, 以及保护美国法律完整性的活动.S. 电子游戏正规平台及知识产权. As the Awardee, BC will work with faculty to provide clarity and management of these disclosures.  We are closely watching the guidance from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), 美国国家科学基金会, 以及其他机构的出现. We encourage faculty to stay abreast of current agency regulations, 最佳实践和BC指南, 其中一些概述如下.


Complete all sections  of grant proposals thoroughly, particularly  items related to foreign components.

Update funding agencies on new foreign engagements in your annual reporting.

Complete a financial conflict of interest disclosure at the time of proposal development.

Report all intellectual property to 电子游戏软件’s Office of 技术转让 and Licensing (OTTL) 确保保护. Always check with OTTL before receiving and sending materials both domestically and abroad.

Familiarize yourself with 电子游戏软件’s policies related to research agreements and export controls.

Make sure your 电子游戏软件 教师 annual report matches the information on your Biosketch.

If you are not sure if a particular international activity must be disclosed it is best to be as transparent as possible and seek guidance from your OSP representative.


Federal grant proposals must be completed thoroughly and accurately. Inconsistencies and errors could jeopardize your funding opportunity or raise flags with 联邦 fundings agencies. 

提醒一下, all proposals for external research support must be submitted through the Office for 赞助项目 and awards should be made to the “Trustees of 电子游戏软件.” 

Guidelines from specific agencies related to “foreign influence” are outlined below.



While NSF has similar requirements to those of the NIH for reporting “Current and Pending Support”, there are differences in between the two agencies. “Current and Pending Support” is defined by the NSF as the support requested or available from all sources of project funding. 国家科学基金详情如下:

  • 礼物不应该上报. If there is effort associated with the gift, this should be reported as in-kind support.

  • In-kind contributions with time commitment and will not be used on the proposed project is not required to be reported.

  • In-kind support with time commitment/effort must be reported in the Current and Pending Support section. If there is no time commitment and the in-kind support will be used on the proposed project, 这必须在设施中报告, 设备和其他资源科.

  • Start-up funds received from BC are not required to be reported. If you receive start-up funds from another institution, that must be reported in Current and Pending Support.

  • As with NIH, your foriegn appointments and 从属关系 must be reported.

  • All current and pending support from whatever source (e.g., 联邦, 状态, 当地或外国政府机构, 公共或私人基金会, 工业或其他商业组织, or internal funds allocated toward specific projects) must be listed. The proposed project and all other projects or activities requiring a portion of time of the PI and other senior personnel must be included, even if they receive no salary support from the project(s).


电子游戏正规平台ers and 教师 must abide by 电子游戏软件’s finance-related policies. In order for 电子游戏软件 to better support your research, you must be transparent about your collaborations and relationships.


教师 must disclose any income or travel reimbursements received from a foreign entity, 包括政府和学术机构. 家庭活动,  faculty must disclose any income or travel reimbursements in excess of $5,000, 包括政府和学术机构.


提醒一下, the solicitation or acceptance of gifts for services rendered in the course of one's normal employment is prohibited.Gifts from domestic and foreign entities of more than nominal value (in excess of $100.00) from individuals or organizations with whom the University does business, or from those who hope to do business with the University in the future, 是被禁止的. 请参阅《电子游戏正规平台》 Professional Standards and Business Conduct -- General Policy.


  • Activity reports: Familiarize yourself with BC’s policy on external activites and complete your annual 教师  Report thoroughly, including the forthcoming new sections on international employment, 国际支持, 以及国际专利.

  • 电子游戏正规平台 agreements: You may not enter into any agreement whether informal or otherwise which restrict publication or the sharing of research results. Publication restrictions in research can only be negotiated by University officials who have delegated authority to accept 合同 and grants.


  • 出口管制:你必须遵守美国的出口管制条例.S. export control regulations when doing any of the following: traveling internationally and attending conferences, 参与国际合作, 使用专有信息, 与国际员工和学生一起工作, 接待国际访客, 国际运输材料, 或从事任何国际交易. 

  • Intellectual property: To ensure that all intellectual property is protected and, 在需要时, 向保荐人适当报告, all BC employees are expected to promptly disclose intellectual property and any improvements or changes to existing intellectual property to BC Office Office of 技术转让 and Licensing.



Please use the following links to review the most up to date frequently ask questions from 联邦 sponsors:



如果你有问题, 请联系Sharon Comvalius-Goddard, 导演, 赞助项目办公室 comvaliu@timwesemann.com.